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Abu Dhabi nationals twice as good baby-producers than expats

But male-dominated expatriate population produces more boysAbu Dhabi nationals appear to be far more producrive than expats, even though the number of expatriate births in the emirate of Abu Dhabi are higher, according to the latest statistics.

The General Fertility Rate (GFR) for nationals stood at 118.4 per 1,000 female citizens - almost double than the 63.2 GFR for expatriates, revealed a study by Statistics Centre Abu Dhabi.

The statistics relate to women of child-bearing age (15-49). Majority of expat women are in this child-bearing/working-group age group.

It appears that nationals from the Al Ain region are more fertile than elsewhere across the emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Al Ain Region had a GFR of 123.1 amongs nationals compared to 68.6 for expatriates.

The Western Region {Al Gharbia), had the lowest fertility rate amongst both nationals and expatriates compared to other parts of Abu Dhabi. The nationals GFR stood at 71.8 and for expats it was 47.6.

"Although the number of non-citizen births is higher than citizen births, the lower GFR for non-citizens is due to the much larger number of child-bearing non-citizen females in the country," the Scad report from 2010 statistics, pointed out.

Adding to male population

An interesting statistics to emerge was that the male population of the emirate of Abu Dhabi tends to be growing faster - though by not much - than females.

On average 103.1 males were born against every 100 females born.

Nationals ratio stoo dat 104.4 boys to every 100 national girls. However, the male dominated expatriate population produced 106.1 boys for every 100 expat girls born in the emirate of Abu Dhabi in 2010.


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